
Have you ever asked Siri a question, watched Netflix recommendations, or played a video game with a computer opponent? If you have, then you have interacted with artificial intelligence, or AI. AI is everywhere these days, and it can do amazing things. But how does AI become so smart? Well, the answer is “training.” Just like we learn from our experiences, AI needs to learn from data. In this article, I’ll explain how we train AI in a simple and fun way.

Step 1: Gathering Data

Let’s say we want to teach AI to recognize cats. How do we start? Well, the first thing we need is a lot of cat pictures. We can get them from the internet, our phones, our cameras, or anywhere else. The more cat pictures we have, the better. This is because we want to show AI all kinds of cats: big cats, small cats, fluffy cats, skinny cats, black cats, white cats, and so on. This way, AI can learn what makes a cat a cat.

Step 2: Labeling the Data

Now that we have our cat pictures, we need to tell AI which ones are actually cats and which ones are not. This is like giving stickers to a child and asking them to put them on the right animals. So, for each picture, we add a label that says “cat” or “not cat.” For example, we label a picture of a lion as “not cat,” a picture of a dog as “not cat,” and a picture of a tabby as “cat.”

Step 3: Feeding the Data to AI

Next, we feed our labeled cat pictures to AI. This is like showing the child the pictures and telling them what each animal is. AI uses some fancy math and logic to look at these pictures and figure out what makes them different or similar. For example, AI might notice that cats have whiskers, ears, tails, and fur. AI also remembers these features and associates them with the label “cat.”

Step 4: Correcting Mistakes

Of course, AI is not perfect. Sometimes it makes mistakes, just like a child does. For example, AI might think that a raccoon is a cat because it has some similar features. But don’t worry, we can help AI improve! We do this by giving feedback or correction. When AI makes a mistake, we tell it the right answer (the correct label) and let it adjust its understanding accordingly. AI learns from these corrections and tries to avoid making the same mistake again.

Step 5: Practice Makes Perfect

The more we train AI, the smarter it becomes. So, we repeat the process with more and more cat pictures until AI can recognize cats very well. We also show AI different kinds of pictures that are not cats so that it can learn to tell them apart from cats. The more diverse and extensive the data, the more accurate and reliable the AI becomes.

Step 6: Real-World Testing

Finally, we test how well AI can recognize cats in the real world. We give it new pictures of cats that it has never seen before and see how well it identifies them. If it makes mistakes, we give it more feedback and continue the training process until it gets better.


Training AI is like teaching a child about the world using data and math. By showing AI lots of information and giving feedback, it gradually learns and becomes smarter at specific tasks. This is how we make machines smart and enable them to help us in various ways. As AI technology advances, we can expect more amazing and useful applications in the future.

Hi, I’m John G

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